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How CTV OEMs Impact FAST Success

Seventy percent of FAST channel viewing happens on connected TVs, 和 the vast array of FAST channels that quietly insinuate themselves into viewers’ living rooms as soon as they plug in their Samsung 和 LG CTV sets are the most accessible 和 easily tracked FAST viewing experiences imaginable, as they require no additional app installations to gain front-和-center visibility. How critical is the preeminence of specific CTV OEM br和s in the success of FAST channels? Chris Pfaff,首席执行官, 克里斯·普法夫科技媒体, 生产商s Guild of America (PGA), VR - AR协会, discusses the market dynamics of FAST 和 the CTV ecosystem with Alan Wolk, 联合创始人/首席分析师, TVREV,在这个剪辑中 流媒体 Connect 2023.

Pfaff mentions that OEMs such as 三星电视Plus have risen to prominence for FAST by including built-in FAST channels on their devices. He asks Wolk for his thoughts on FAST 和 TV OEMs.

“The TV OEMs have made their fast services through the centerpiece of their experience,沃尔克说. ”也, they mix in the subscription services in there, it's a really smart way to get engagement [和 to] raise revenue. 他们可以允许 网飞公司高峰 of the world to promote their shows right on the home screen. And it looks like it's very personalized. It’s very similar to when you go to your 亚马逊 主页, 和 I suspect most people don't realize, ‘Oh, 这些都是有报酬的,与…相反, “哦,好. Mr. Bezos knows I like coffee, 和 he puts some coffee mugs on my 主页. 太酷了. 我可能会买一个.同样的道理. It's like, ‘Oh, they know I like comedy. So they're recommending comedies to me, 和 they don't even get the transaction, which is great for everybody.”

Pfaff mentions that 亚马逊 also has 免费的vee.

“他们隐瞒了这一点。!沃尔克说. “Which is brilliant in a sense. I would bet you that maybe 10% of the people who watch 免费的vee are aware that they're watching 免费的vee. 亚马逊's been sort of baffling. Some of the shows are free, 和 some you have to pay for. I don't really know why, but I don't really care. I mostly have it to get the free two-day delivery. So then this option comes up, or watch free with ads, 和 you're like, ‘Great, but it's in Prime.'上面写着与免费的vee合作, 但是你认为, ‘Oh, that's just some funny term they came up with to say free TV. And you don't even realize it’s a separate app. Although they are the one FAST that's had a hit show. 所以想想看.”

Pfaff notes that, “What we don't consider a hit may be wildly successful with a small audience. I know some FAST channels who have great distribution 和 all it takes is one hit to put things over.”

完整的会议 from 流媒体 Connect November 2023. We'll be back in person for 纽约流媒体 on May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How to Measure CTV Advertising Success Without a Collective Currency

Without a "universal source of truth" in ad performance measurement, how can CTV advertisers accurately gauge their success? ESHAP's Evan Shapiro 和 Atmosphere TV's Lana LoRusso discuss the challenges 和 some strategic approaches for effective CTV ad measurement in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


Building a sound app development strategy well-matched to br和 和 content is critical to creating a CTV experience that sticks. Scripps Networks' Yazmin Wickham, Norigin Media's Ajey An和, Atmosphere.电视的扎克·霍布斯, 和 Reality Software's Nadine Krefetz discuss what works 和 what doesn't as well as the ongoing work involved in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 East 2023.


How do you measure what's working 和 what isn't in OTT user experience design? Vevo的艾琳·杰克逊报道, 哈特贝特的索兰·斯特里克林, 和 Philo's Thijs Lowette identify their UX KPIs of choice in this panel from 流媒体 West 2022.